
SlackDumper.Purpose:archiveyourprivateandpublicSlackmessages,users,channels,filesandemojis.GenerateSlackExportwithoutadminprivileges.,YoucansavemessagesandfilesinSlacktoeasilyrefertothemlater,orsetyourselfaremindertocomebacktosomethingatamoreconvenienttime.,Bydefault,Slackwillretainallmessagesandfiles(includingaudioandvideoclips)forthelifetimeofyourworkspace.Ifyou'dlike,youcanadjust ...,Export...


Slack Dumper. Purpose: archive your private and public Slack messages, users, channels, files and emojis. Generate Slack Export without admin privileges.

Save messages and files for later

You can save messages and files in Slack to easily refer to them later, or set yourself a reminder to come back to something at a more convenient time.

Customize message and file retention

By default, Slack will retain all messages and files (including audio and video clips) for the lifetime of your workspace. If you'd like, you can adjust ...

Export your workspace data

Export data from all channels and conversations · From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar. · Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click ...

Request to export all conversations

Apply to export data for all channels and conversations · From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar. · Select Tools & settings from the menu, ...

The Complete Guide to Exporting Slack Conversations

Find out how to export Slack conversations, channels, and messages using Slack's export ... backup or archive wherever they want according to their own ...

best way to backup a slack channel and private messages?

2023年11月2日 — Yes, it does back up videos as well.

How to Back up Slack data

2022年3月29日 — Backup Slack data using third-party backup tools ... Slack will keep all messages and track message ... backup snapshots and restore deleted ...

How to download your Slack message history if you're not ...

2024年3月28日 — In Slack, select the message thread you want to save. · Scroll to the beginning and click on the first word of text. · Scroll to the bottom of the ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
